Saturday, July 3, 2010

Milestones Dr. Spock didn't think of...

According to my latest neurotic google search about baby milestones, at 16 months a child should be able to walk well, turn the pages of a book, or get upset when frustrated. May be able to start to climb, walk backwards,or say 10-15 words. Could possibly dance, help around the house (really? and what help would that be? empty a cupboard? dump a laundry basket of freshly folded clothes?), or jump.

I don't think that list accurately gives a picture of what life is like with our 16month old. I have revised this list for my child. At 16 months, Bun is able to disappear in a store in under 3 seconds. (And manage to destroy 5 shelves of clothing displays while MIA. I found her carrying a STACK of shirts. Weirdo.) May be able to pick the lock on the gate at the carousel ride at the zoo. (However I maintain that it was the naughty 4 year old in front of us who managed to get the gate open, my kid just happened to be the one who busted through and ran as fast as she could towards the moving ride... Fortuntely 16 month olds have short legs, the zoo people outran cheetah baby before she actually reached the moving carousel.) And Bun could possibly river dance while bowling on the roof. (I'm not sure about the last one, but I'm not ruling it out.)

When you see my Bun, with her scraped knees, her latest I-run-too-fast-for-my-feet bruise, or her devil may care attitude just remember it's all part of her devolpement. At least in our house it is.