Friday, July 31, 2009

GO TO MY ROOM! (and clean my closet please...)

I am afraid that the little room off of our bedroom (LROOOB) is beginning to scare me. I suppose you could call it a closet, but closet seems like such a benign little space. LROOOB is definitely not benign and isn't so little. I've considered posting "HARD HAT AREA" on the door of LROOOB. It's only funny until a container of hot rollers falls on your head- hot rollers that are percariously perched on the top of a stack of towels that are even more precariously perched on top of my pajammas. (they fell from a really really TALL location is what I'm getting at) Confession time here- I've taken to just throwing stuff to the top of my precarious perches in the closet and hoping they stay. It's almost like a little game of chance- I throw the stuff and if it stays put, I win!!! Yesterday I had to fetch something out of the back of LROOOB and that's when I realized just how craptastic it had become. After wading through my sea of shoes, lifting my collection of ugly purses to the side, and almost swearing after stubbing my toe on a 10 lb. dumbell (???? in the LROOOB? REALLY???), I made it halfway there... This is bad. This place needs an INTERVENTION! I'm spending way too much time baking bread and sewing my children's clothing! (that's my code for "sitting at the computer") I need to spend some time with LROOOB, put it on a diet, maybe even encourage some drastic purging. That's it! My closet needs a colonic! a cleanse if you will! I'll get to it soon, I promise! In the meantime, I've got 12 loaves to bake and an outfit to pin together.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Watch me pull an attitude out of my hat!

Today my daughter went to a birthday party and wore a top hat. This might seem normal if we were a family of magicians, but the only thing we've ever managed to make disappear is money... Beanie is, how do I put this? Beanie is a creative soul whose independent spirit sometimes makes her momma cringe. This is where the true bloggtress would post a photo of said top hat, but I'm new and didn't have a camera handy. AND honestly it just seemed normal to me that she would leave the house wearing a top hat. Let me clarify that, it is not exactly normal for an 11 year old to don a top hat, but for Beanie? I'm surprised it wasn't a top hat with feathers. Now here is the lesson for today, why do we care so much about how something might look to others? How can I, as mother to this child who dreams of wearing neon jeans to school this year, not be the first in line to say, "WHAT are you wearing?" and instead proclaim, "If anyone can pull that off, it's you Light Brite!" Shouldn't I be her biggest fan? Shouldn't I encourage her to be herself? Shouldn't I celebrate her sense of (gulp) style?? Tonight I am throwing off my self-conscience "don't you just want to fit in" mantra and letting you all know, "MY DAUGHTER CAN ACCESSORIZE LIKE NO OTHER!" and I'll be wearing a top hat while doing it....