Friday, April 16, 2010

Who needs Zumba if you have a Rug Doctor!

As previously discussed, Bun has asthma. My third child has to create her version of first-in-the-family and so she has. She is the first with asthma. This new diagnosis has prompted her momma to rid the house of all dust, dander, and dog hair. (I DO hear the Mission Impossible theme song, I DO.) Today's chore was steaming the carpets. The rug doctor claims to be steaming mad at dirt, I happen to be steaming mad at asthma. We're a good match.

Have you ever steamed the carpets with a 14 month old running around? IMpossible- right? WRONG! Totally do-able. As you can see, I simply strapped the child onto my front and off we went! Bun is not a huge fan of loud noises so to make the event all the more fun, I danced, bounced, and sang all while steaming the carpets. See the image in your head? It IS as funny as it sounds. Just think of all the extra calories I burned with all that extra baby weight! 23 pounds to be exact. I haven't worked out this much since 2008! I may just make my own line of workout videos!

1 comment:

The Gooch Fam said...

Misse, you are hilarious! Glad I found your cute blog!!!