Saturday, August 8, 2009


Words you can't type on the computer... #1- Bouncey Bun. You MAY think you're just labelling a little video of your baby jumping in the Cirque De Soleil contraption called a jumparoo, but in reality you are setting yourself up for a quick lesson in the depravity of man. Follow that? No? Let's start over.
We have a 5 month old baby girl named Bun. It's a reference to her origins. She's the Bun we got without the oven. We also call her our "oops" baby because from the time we found out about her to the time we got to call her our own was 27 hours! Oops! We got a Bun without the oven! (keep up with me people!) Our two other kids, Beau and Beanie were homemade, we had to wait the usual 9 months for them. I digress.
The Canuck (father to all three Bs) has what we call "jumpy legs." His legs do not stop moving, ever. Even during sleep. (believe me, this took some adjusting to in the first year of our marriage!) He has passed this down to all his children- whether by nature or nurtre. They all have jumpy legs.
Bun is the luckiest one of the three. She gets to use her jumpy legs to bounce in her jumparoo- this is the crazy thing that looks like the love child of a baby swing, johnny jump-up, and walker... She can sit in it and bounce to her heart's content!
I video taped Bun bouncing earlier this week. She was having so much fun and I wanted to share the joy. I labeled the clip, "Bouncey Bun." In my mind, this was the perfect way to describe the movie. AHHHH!!!!
If you know anything about YouTube, and even if you don't, you should know this... The website autmatically posts "similar" videos next to the video playing. I suppose this is to bring up, "other things you might enjoy..." AHHHH!!!!
Next to our sweet baby, getting her afternoon exercise, were several clips involving bouncing and buns. not a single baby. not a single jumparoo. all bouncing buns. mostly clad in NOTHING. AHHHHHHHH!!!
Note to self- think before you type! Even if naked bouncey buns don't SEEM video-worthy... apparently that is not an opinion shared by others. go figure. AHHHHHHH!!! What kind of joy are they trying to share! AHHHHH!!!
The moral of the story is- I re-named the video to Jumping Baby. and I just can't seem to shake this feeling.... AHHHHHHH!!!!
BUT... If you go to YouTube, look up Jumping Baby. She's really cute!

1 comment:

Navylangs said...

I hold you responsible for images that will never leave! Never would have even thought of googling bouncing bun before.