Saturday, August 1, 2009

This waiting room is rated R.

Dear Girls-
As the mother of a 15 year old boy (let's call him Googly Eyed Fluff Brain), I am asking that you cover up, sit up, and shut up. This request stems from an experience I had at the dermatologist with Googly Eyed Fluff Brain last week. As we sat in the waiting room, two girls (also 15, let's call them "Might as Well Be Nakie" and "Almost Nakie") came in to wait too. Might as Well be Nakie sat in the not-so lady like manner of one foot perched on the seat next to her and Almost Nakie was sitting more slouchy by her. They flipped through the "Cheerleader" magazine (I know, right- the dermatologist office stocks "Cheerleader" magazine in its waiting room!), and all the while discussed the drama of having "too big" of pom poms this year and what kind of writing their warm ups were going to have. (It's cursive by the way) Clearly none of this was secret because they were talking as if addressing an entire auditorium- without a microphone. It wasn't the shorty short shorts that got me- although sitting with one leg practically thrown over your head while wearing shorty short shorts It wasn't the tank tops with plunging necklines that got me- even though that is also revealing... It wasn't the very loud discussion that got me... What got me??? Googly Eyed Fluff Brain did - his eyes almost never left Might as Well Be Nakie and if they did, it was to look at Almost Nakie. It gets worse, Almost Nakie started fishing around in her shirt and just when I thought "Oh Dear LORD one of her girls is going to jump out!" she pulled out a cell phone. (keeping it warm??? who knows- oh wait, no pockets in the shorty short shorts and her with no purse. Gotta keep it somewhere.) GIRLS! PLEASE! These young men do not NEED more material for their imaginations! Would it be sooo hard to wear shorts that reach your thighs? Could you just maybe sit in a chair the way it was designed to be sat in? If you have to get your phone from your "special place," could you please do it a little less vigorously and maybe turn to the side?? I am not trying to sound like a prude, but I am a mom and I want my son to appreciate girls. I want him to respect them. I want him to go to the dermatologist office and not hope for a peep show in the waiting room! And while you are contemplating my requests, I will be fitting Googly Eyed Fluff Brain with blinders.

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