Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Words you don't want to read...

O.K. so here's the deal. Bun has asthma. And after about 14 months of denial, it's really official. (She's always been a "loud" breather... I suppose hoping all that "loud" breathing would go away just didn't work.) Time to face it head on and move forward. And doing what any momma would do, I neurotically scour the internet for any and all info. Which is when I come across the "Asthma causes people to go to the hospital or even die" line in the BREATHING EASIER WITH ASHTMA informational page. I'm sorry, but does anyone else see the problem with the title and info therein? And now I can't seem to get past the last word. I'm having google-induced-psychosis.

Die? I am just coming to terms with having to shove a mask on my babe's face while she screams 6 breaths. And then repeat. Die? I just started super deep cleaning everything in the house from top to bottom to try and reduce allergens. Die? I just bought every treat and toy I could think of to give her for the next 5 days while we go through "roid rage" from her steroids. Die? I just started her food journal so we could pinpoint what foods cause her the most problems. Die? I just made plans for getting the dogs groomed and shaved to see if it helps. Die? I just looked into special HEPA filters for the furnace. Die?

Is it inappropriate to write that I simply need to take a deep breath and calm down? I mean, isn't the inability to take a deep breath the whole reason I'm doing this???

Dear BREATHING EASIER WITH ASHTMA, either re-title your info BREATHING EASIER WITH ASTHMA SO YOU DON'T DIE or maybe, just maybe don't mention the DYING part on the first page. It makes it hard to think about the rest.

Weezie's mom.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Ha, my husband has asthma as well as 40 + allergies, and the worst case of eczema the DR's have ever seen. It scares me, but, probably not as much as it should. Though this though terrifies me; what do we do when there is some big disaster and he does not access to any medication?
You have somewhat of an advantage with her being young so she knows what to stay away from (if she can) when she gets older. I just hope our children do not pick up those from him, it REALLY scares me!